
Music Therapy

The use of music as a form of therapy is based on studies of music, neurology and culture. Musical capabilities are believed to be widely distributed yet locally specialized throughout the brain. As a result, individuals with neurological deficits, such as those caused by Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, can respond to music in ways that are completely normal.


Certain behaviors involving music have been identified as mechanisms for survival and appear to be hardwired in the brain at birth, through infancy and into early childhood. Not only does music appear to maximize growth and learning rates, it also serves as a rich source of positive human interaction throughout our lifetimes.

We each carry a personalized life history with music, which can be brought out through various musical activities that can be meaningful and effective therapies, particularly for those with neurological disorders and physical challenges.

Limited free editions available of "Functions of Music Therapy for Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders."  Contact the Adult Care Center at 540-722-2273.